Nomination Criteria
Our Outstanding Graduates initiative takes a peek into the lives of some very extraordinary people and examines how Catholic education at our board helped to shape their future. This annual initiative will feature one graduate, through a nomination process, from each of our nine Catholic high schools.
Nomination/Program Criteria
The initiative will run on an annual basis.
The Communications Department will accept nominations via an on-line nomination form. Only complete nomination forms will be considered.
A complete nomination will include the following:
Name and contact information for the nominee
Name and contact information for the nominator
Brief bio outlining the nominees successes career, volunteer, academic, extra-curricular
Quote from the graduate about how Catholic education influenced their lives
A high-resolution photograph
Consent to use the information and photograph on website, media and in publications for the board.
A selection committee will review the nominations, and select recipients.
One graduate from each of the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board’s nine high schools will be featured publicly.
The featured graduates will be celebrated during Catholic Education Week each year.