Sister M. Eucharistica MC
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School
Graduated 2003
Third year juniorate with the Missionaries of Charity in Nairobi, Kenya
Sister M. Eucharistica MC (Michelle Harney) is a graduate of Father F. X. O’Reilly Catholic School and St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School, both in Tottenham. She graduated with awards for music and philosophy as well as the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association Award and the F&P Manufacturing Award. Michelle went on to Wilfrid Laurier University where she achieved an Honours Bachelor of Music – Music Education.
In high school, Michelle found herself questioning the relevance of faith. Her views were very much influenced by friends and she found herself questioning the existence of God. While in Grade 11, she attended a youth conference in Ohio. For the first time in her life she found herself face-to-face with God. The call to religious life came in an instant. For a period of time, Michelle worked with the National Evangelization Teams of Canada to share faith with young people.
In 2003, she was drawn to work with the Missionaries of Charity who help the impoverished and dedicate themselves to Jesus. Michelle entered the community on July 1, 2006.
She says, “Leaving to enter a religious community is much like climbing a mountain. It is difficult, exhilarating and requires great courage. But I know that when I walk through the doors, I will not be at the top of the mountain, in fact I predict that I will only reach the top of the first foothill and for the first time see the majesty and grandeur of the mountain.”
Currently, Sister M. Eucharistica MC is in her third year as a juniorate with the Missionaries of Charity in Nairobi, Kenya.