Michael McIntaggart
St. Theresa’s Catholic High School
Graduated 2003
Successful entrepreneur and local small business owner of History Barbershop Co.
After graduating from St. Theresa’s Catholic High School in 2003, Michael was employed at various jobs, but was still unsure about what path he wanted to follow. After much self-exploration and encouragement from family and friends, he decided to pursue the possibility of a career in the trades. He was drawn to the idea of hairdressing because it allowed for creativity, artistry and the possibility of becoming an entrepreneur. Michael went back to school and completed an apprenticeship to become a certified hairdresser – and the rest, as they say, is “history.”
Today, Michael is the owner and operator of a thriving business called History Barbershop Co. In less than a year, he grew from two to eight employees and has provided more than 15,000 services to his patrons to date.
At St. Theresa’s, Michael always showed an interest in business and was encouraged to attempt a career of self-employment. He feels the courses that he took during high school helped him discover his learning style as well as improve his communication skills, enabling him to build a successful business.
Michael has this to say about reaching success, “If you are not moving forwards then you are moving backwards. You are always more capable of more effort than you are putting forth at this very moment.”