Nicole Vollebregt
St. Joseph’s Catholic High School
Graduated 1990
Senior Vice-President of Global Purpose at Adidas and named the company’s first-ever Global Head of Women’s Business.
Since graduating from St. Joseph’s Catholic High School, Nicole Vollebregt has risen through the ranks to become a top executive for one of the world’s most recognizable brands.
After earning her Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science, International Relations and Public Policy from the University of Toronto, Nicole began her impressive 21 years at one of the most widely recognized sports organizations in the world, Adidas.
She first started working with the company as a Public Relations Manager and has taken on a new role every few years, often creating new departments and initiatives. She served as Vice-President of Global Brand Marketing, Adidas Style Division and then as Senior Vice-President in Herzogenaurach, Germany.
In 2015, she was named as the company’s first-ever Global Head of Women’s Business. Nicole is a champion for female athletes, successfully competing with other sports brands by tailoring the Adidas brand to women. One example was the introduction of the Pure Boost X running shoe - instead of simply altering the male version, the shoe was completely redesigned based on the shape of a woman’s foot.
Nicole was promoted again in 2019, and is now Senior Vice-President of Global Purpose, which provides strategic direction, messaging and programs around Diversity and Inclusion – Internally and Externally; Breaking Barriers for Women and Girls; Athlete, Influencer and Employee Advocacy; Social Impact and Sustainability.